Black Lives Matter & Racism In America (Part 1 of 4)

In light of recent events. I feel a need to express myself more than ever. I know most people will feel uncomfortable with what I'm going to say, but fuck it. Needs to be said, loud enough, so that all can hear, in hopes that by a global catharsis, sharing and being honest, change will manifest itself to determine action, that will change the course of history and the destiny of mankind.
Firstly, I’m going to preface this by expressing this emphatically: If you raise the argument that #blacklivesmatter is in any way a racist mantra, or call to arms by a united black-centric community, you are totally missing the fucking point! We all know that #ALLLIVESMATTER. We all know that most decent citizens of the world recognize this! To continually, apathetically and cowardly deny and disavow that racism does exist on an UNPRECEDENTED scale in America and globally, specifically towards blacks and all minorities, is ignoble, idiotic, stupid and just plain fucking naive. It’s an acceptance of the way things are, and a public acknowledgement of a complacency, philosophical laziness, lack of empathy, ignorance and stubborn apathetic denial, that is actually at the core of the problem. It’s so easy to say, “white people get killed too”, then go back to a skewed and unrealistic world view, feeling that you’ve made a humane statement that matters. Well, in fact, it doesn’t fucking matter, because it accomplishes nothing. It’s an acceptance and denial of the true nature of the modern world, it’s crumbling societal machinations, and the extreme racism that exists today. As a black man, and as a human being that deeply loves and respects all forms of life on this planet, I find it offensive and morally reprehensible. Everybody gets killed, in a world that has a potential to exist in peace, prosperity and harmony. THATS the fucking issue. So, if your not down with all peoples coming together as one and moving forward in an evolutionary leap forward for the benefit of all mankind, politely, and with all sincerity, fuck off and move out of the fucking way. The world will change without you. You either evolve, or you go extinct. My buddy Darwin can attest to that. Now. On with the story…
Part #1 of 4: I rarely use FB as a "serious" forum or platform to discuss politics, racism, religion or the often deplorable state of the human condition. That’s usually best left to late night drinking binges with close and sometimes not so close friends in the dark corners of dive bars or cozy parlors, where the unbearable lightness of being prevails, and you can scream, banter, cry and laugh uncontrollably, snot nosed, frayed, fragile, broken, uplifted and hugging it out without making a complete fucking pathetic ass of yourself, or indeed, making a complete fucking pathetic ass of yourself, while everyone involved embraces and understands the pain, fury, heartache, joy and redemption of a short-lived and priceless moment, living on the edge of the abyss. Life on this planet can be pretty fucking unbearable at times and I hate to contribute, on a public forum, my myriad piles of personal, emotional and opinionated bullshit, vitriol and pseudo intellect to the insurmountable Mt. Everest of bullshit, vitriol and pseudo intellect we, as “friends”, have to endure everyday, on social media, news networks, television and the internet. Regardless, my opinion is just that, my opinion, and I don’t really care if you like it or not. I put everything out there, banal or not, so that everyone knows where my feet meet the ground. I usually, and generally, like too delightfully post about the finer subtleties of life, art, music, poetry, love, literature, science, sex, scuba diving, nature, the ocean, drums, and the philosophies built around this mortal coil and our greatest achievements as human beings on this planet, circling the sun, in a dark, deep and almost unimaginably vast and incomprehensible universe. I like and enjoy posting about things that make us ooooh, and ahhh, and sigh about the lovely, sublime, beautiful, tragic and simple things that DO make life bearable, hopeful, wonderful and full of light…
If I’m truly honest with myself, I also just generally post about, well…myself, fully knowing that no one really cares about my egocentric, self-aggrandizing gratuitous self-promotion, primarily focused on my narcissistic need to be “loved” and “liked” (by other than me, and sometimes, my lovely wife, at best). Ultimately, and unashamedly, I am proud of my little accomplishments in life, however insignificant and self absorbed they may be in the grand schema of the universe, and I do my best to keep it as interesting, and possibly, as thought provoking as it can be, without bringing the visceral hammer down, or batting you over the head with political diatribes. I know FB is pretty much a silly tool, that in this digital age of information overload, is used to effectively extol our individual tragedies, triumphs and virtues, even if the world isn't listening, or could give a flying fuck. I think, therefore, I post! I guess…it’s the modern way of staying relevant in a universe, where almost undoubtedly, we may be no more relevant and significant than a speck of dust, but, where…our voices can sometimes be heard, as a ripple, that may turn into a wave, that reverberates through the digital information super highway and declares to the world “Here I am! Look at me! I EXIST! I MATTER”. I think, therefore, I am…or at least, somewhat relevant on Facebook, Instagram and other platforms of social media.
Anyway, my point is, today, I’m dropping my mental hammer on a subject that grieves, infuriates and pains my heart and soul to such an extent, that I’m compelled to bring some levity to it on FB, in hopes that I can somehow reach someone, who will in turn, reach someone else, thereby turning the ripple, into a wave…and that wave, into a force of nature, undeniable in strength, conviction, knowledge and action. So, here’s the drop: Racism and the enslavement of mankind as a modicum of control for power and profit. Now, here’s my hammer. Hopefully, it resonates and provokes a ripple…and so on…and so on…
Firstly, I’m going to bore you momentarily with a grade school science and history lesson, but please bear with me. I’ll get to the point quickly and succinctly. It’s a necessary indulgence so that I may adequately express my point of view, and my personal “nail in the coffin” retort towards racist imbeciles who don’t believe in the arcane and dark mysteries of the human sciences, mainly: Biological anthropology and geology. Anyway, I can be a boring and pissed off asshole like most of us at times, so who’s counting. Thanks for indulging me…
All human beings on planet earth belong to a single species of great ape called Hominidae, otherwise known as, Homo, or more properly, Homo Sapiens (the other three primary great ape, hominid genera species consisting of: Gorillas, Orangutans and Chimpanzees). Homo Sapiens are all descended from a single common ancestor (The mother of us all) who roamed the earth about 195,000 years ago in Ethiopia, located in the beautifully rich heart of Africa. Naturally, we are born equal in dignity and rights, and all form an integral part of humanity and it’s evolution. Crassly, we roam around, fuck shit, build shit, learn shit, grow shit, hunt shit, eat shit, kill shit, evolve and die, all the livelong day. In more complex terms, we have evolved as the dominant species on earth through phenotypic natural selection, struggle, perseverance, observation, reflection, adaptation, desire, experimentation, failure, ingenuity and common sense, imbued with a developed intellectual capacity and understanding that we, as humans, are capable of elevating our entire species to the highest levels of consciousness. We literally, outside of the physical laws of nature and the universe, are capable of accomplishing anything, regardless of superficial physiological traits (the color of one’s skin and pigmentation due to geographic necessity), geological location or socio-economic status. Basically, the sky is the limit, and the only limit, to what all humans can individually and collectively accomplish, spiritually, intellectually and physically. As an evolutionary side-note, having the ability to adaptively change our skin pigmentation, has given us an even larger evolutionary edge in our ability to survive as a species, allowing mankind to migrate, live, and thrive in the harshest of environments and climates due to the geographic distribution of UV radiation (UVR) and the distribution of indigenous skin pigmentation via vitamin D absorption. Case and points:
From about 1.2 million years ago to less than 100,000 years ago, archaic humans, including archaic Homo sapiens, were dark-skinned.
As Homo sapiens populations began to migrate, the evolutionary constraint keeping skin dark decreased proportionally to the distance north a population migrated, resulting in a range of skin tones within northern populations.
At some point, some northern populations experienced positive selection for lighter skin due to the increased production of vitamin D from sunlight and the genes for darker skin disappeared from these populations.
Subsequent migrations into different UV environments and admixture between populations resulted in the varied range of skin pigmentations we see today.
It's of immense fundamental importance that we literally comprehend and understand, purely and scientifically, that a humans physiological skin tone and pigmentation has nothing to do with race, ethnicity, socio-economics, spirituality or intellectual capacity. Its only evolved as a function of biological necessity based on geographic location and evolutionary necessity. It’s scientifically necessary to point out, that humans are literally all the same physiologically. Since the dawn of recorded history, there are those amongst humanity that would have us believe otherwise as to a superior genetic race and ethnicity. We will get to that later, but in essence, it's a manipulation of the truth and insidious lie of epic and diabolical proportions. Although ethnicity is vital to maintaining a sense of localized and environmental cultural values, pride and traditions, it has nothing to do with who we actually really are, under the skin, which is basically, like everyone else on the fucking planet, beautiful, vibrant, rare and incredible human beings. An evolved (and I say this lightly, given how much higher our current potential is for enligthenment) species of black, white, brown, yellow, straight, gay, bisexual, transgender hairless hominids. You get the point. We are ALL human beings, from the inside out.
Usually, as with most sane, intelligent and rational homo sapiens, this enlightenment alone is enough to inspire us to live fruitful, productive and enriching lives, full of every possible nuance, domain and expression of the “human” experience and it's infinite wonder and beauty. However, here is the rub, and one of the most deplorable and insidious creations of mankind:
Racism is a purely human invention, societal ideologue and endeavor. It does not appear “naturally” anywhere in nature, nor are we born with it, or genetically predisposed to it. It was created, formed and manufactured by man, as a psychological weapon, tool, social construct and modicum of control, to enslave, subjugate, oppress, manipulate, coerce and control the minds of other, weaker men, for power, economic superiority and financial gain. Period. Some may argue this a too simple a way to describe it. Yes, racism is complex, as it appears in many forms from aversive racism to cultural, economic, and institutional racism to segregationism, supremacism and symbolic racism. Regardless, it always boils down to a singular and rotten, self evident truth: Enslavement of one or multiple groups of “inferior” human beings under another group of “superior” human beings whose main prerogative is the complete and total economic and psychological dominance, subjugation and control of “other” human beings.
Stay tuned for part 2...